Schuylkill Water Stewards

Become a Schuylkill Water Steward.
Green Valleys and our partners in the larger Delaware River Watershed Initiative developed this programs which trains individuals to become informed advocates and monitors of water quality and quantity within the French Creek, Pigeon Creek, Pickering Creek, and Stony Run watersheds. Schuylkill Water Stewards will learn about the unique issues facing these watersheds, the benefits of land conservation, and how to measure the health of a stream. Training includes hands-on learning in both the field and the classroom. At the end of the program, Stewards will “adopt” a specific stream site to conduct regular water sampling and assessments. Additional field trips and volunteer opportunities are offered periodically.
Pennsylvania Master Naturalists
GVWA is a Coordinating Partner with the Pennsylvania Master Naturalist to learn more about the program and schedules,