Youth Programs at Welkinweir

Girl & Boy Scout ProgramsGreat-pic-of-field-guide-use

Our Scout programs fulfill many of the requirements for badges relating to the natural environment. In order to further Scouts’ appreciation and understanding of the natural world, programs include hands-on activities to learn about various concepts, as well as animal artifacts and exploration of the forests, fields and streams of Welkinweir.

Pandora’s Garden for Children 18 months – 5 years

Nature-based play and exploration class by Pandora’s Garden is returning to Welkinweir for spring, April 3rd through June 7th, Wednesday and Friday, 9:30 till 11 a.m. Registration is through Pandora’s Garden website.

Nature Programs

Our year-round community events for children and adults alike promote awareness and stewardship of the natural world. Programs include weekend night hikes and morning bird walks, wildlife conservation lectures, and more. Programs are also available for community groups, faith-based groups, and other organizations.
